Is the week over yet? Seriously, yo. I'm spent.
Since Sunday, I have been so exhausted. And last night I was feeling kind of ill.
My brilliant deduction is that I'm either:
(1) exercising too much and causing my muscles to mutiny
(2) getting old
(3) pregnant
(4) sick
Obviously, I really hope that it's Cletus the Fetus that is making me so. god. damn. tired. But I'm realistic that even if I am pregnant, it's probably a little too early for me to be suffering from baby-induced exhaustion.
Options 1 & 4 are enticing because then at least I will, in theory, improve at some point. Whereas Option 3 is slightly depressing as this will just be foreshadowing the 9+ months ahead of me.
Sidenote: Baby Bee is talking to herself in her crib right now. She's saying, "No!...No!" but not in an angry way. A really cute belligerent baby way. She's also started to put a finger up to her mouth and say, "Hmmm..." when I ask her a question. Frickin' adorable, I tell ya.
Because I am so exhausted and cannot come up with a witty blog post to save my life, I will henceforth and therefore and whatnot entertain you with a photo of Baby Bee that I took yesterday after she woke up from her nap:
Wishin' and Hopin' by Ani Difranco
NO... she looks adorable! :)
I would go with Sanjaya... but a much paler and cuter version.
I am so with you on the exhaustion front and I hope it is not pregnancy, in fact I am sure its not.
Love the photo, totally see the resemblance to Nico Nolte. hehehehehe
I am voting for Sanjaya too, but definitely a much cuter Sanjaya.
So, have you used any of those $ store tests yet???? :D
Nolte, for sure, but like a happy drunk Nolte, not like the off-his-buzz-incarcerated Nolte.
Why are you giving your child booze? it's it a bit early in the day for that?
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