I Love to Twit

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    The Old Stuff

    (almost) Wordless Weekend

    I promise Mr. Bee and I don't always dress like this.

    Just for date night.

    (It was really for a surprise 30th birthday party for a close friend. And don't worry, it *was* 70's Disco themed.)


    Sara said...

    LOVE IT!

    Betts said...

    You're almost wordless and I'm speechless.

    Mama Bee said...


    Are you suggesting that my readers press criminal charges against me for subjecting them to that photo?

    Well played. Well played.

    the mama bird diaries said...

    you look awesome. i mean, groovy. Or something like that.

    Guwi said...

    That is HOTT.

    Mrs. J said...

    ...and PS. you look just a smidge *ridiculously svelte* in that picture. And the pants are hotter than I remember.

    Mama Bee said...

    Jesus! I *do* look really skinny in the picture, huh? I'd post it everywhere (Facebook, etc.) if it weren't for that goddamn wig! haha! Even though I did TOTALLY rock that wig...

    Betts said...

    I came back for a second look (mostly to see if you did anything about that unpaidfor advertising in your comments), and it occured to me why you look so skinny in the photo. You've got that celebrity-red-carpet pose down, girl... slightly sidewise, knees bent, back arched. You got it goin' on!

    Daniel said...

    mr. bee is kinda hot like that, nice