I Love to Twit

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    The Old Stuff

    Don't Leave Me Long

    As Seen On TV
    Well, despite my mental retardedness, I finally got another site up and running. My new site is:

    It was finally time to separate my personal and, well, personal life. I figure "Tivo Junkie" will feature my television show reviews, while "Mom to Bee" will be devoted to everything else!

    So check it out! Hopefully I'll have a bright and shiny new design soon. But don't leave me long! Mama Bee will miss you if you don't come back and visit!

    Song title: Don't Leave Me Long by 77s


    Vicki said...

    Yay! I'm glad you got everything working!

    Bananas said...

    ok I have to confess that I am deeply jealous of that URL. Tivo Junky is perfect and awesome and I WANT IT! :) just kidding, of course. on my way to check it out...