11. I like happy songs.
I can appreciate the beauty of slow songs, but I'm really not a fan. If the song has a happy beat, I'm a happy listener. I also REALLY love to sing, in the car, by myself, alone. But I have recently fallen in love with karaoke...Watch out, world.
12. I come from a family of very loud talkers and selective listeners.
I live in with the constant fear that I am talking way louder than I need to. My family also has a tendency to be very selective when listening to stories. That now is one of my biggest pet peeves - don't answer me a question if you don't want to know my answer.
13. I like to think I'm a funny person, but there are times I annoy even myself.
Besides being a mom, I don't know if anything gives me more joy than making someone laugh. But ironically, I also hate the spotlight. I'm constantly analyzing my behavior and trying to balance being funny and interjecting witty anecdotes without being overbearing and annoying.
14. I hate to buy anything not on sale.
A little piece of me dies when I have to pay full price and I lurves me some outlet malls. I can't remember the last time I spent full price on clothes. Okay, I lied, I bought a bunch of stuff at Old Navy a few weeks ago. But Old Navy definitely falls in to the not-full-price category since you can't really buy anything there that costs more than $15. The more money I save, the happier I am.
15. I really love personal questionnaires.
Honestly, it's because I know that I'll know all the answers! I'm retarded, I know. But I never have an answer for "What is your favorite color?"
Sorry for the lack of clever posts this week. Trying to get a jump on cleaning the house and organizing, well, my life. And reading all the horrible baby losses on the interwebs has really bummed me out.
Song title: What You Don't Know by Jon Randall
Maybe reflecting on the story about the woman donating a kidney and having it removed through her vagina will inspire something to post. I'm desperate to hear your take on it!
Did I write this? I think I did because they all sound just like me. Are you me? Am I losing my mind?
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