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    The Old Stuff

    Lazy Days

    Phew! I'm exhausted.
    I think I've recently pushed laziness to a whole new level.

    Yesterday, I not only had my dry cleaning picked up by a delivery service, but I also had my groceries delivered to my front door.

    Totally awesome.

    First, let me tell you how cool this dry cleaning service is. It's 1-800-Dry-Clean and not only do they have comparable prices to your run-of-the-mill dry cleaners, they will pick up and drop off your clothes...wait for it... for FREE!! For you muckity mucks (read: not SAHMs) that actually wear dry-clean-required clothing every day, they even have weekly service you can sign up for.

    Since my daily wardrobe consists of jeans tracksuits and blouses tee shirts, I think I won't need another pick up until 2010.

    Next, I sat around the house (which is about a 2 minute drive from a grocery store) waiting for my Albertsons grocery delivery. Hop online, punch out your shopping list and you can have your groceries delivered to your house the next day! There is a $12 delivery fee, though. But $12 is a small price to pay to avoid what is sure to be a catastrophic temper tantrum from me Baby Bee the minute we step in to, well, any public place.

    The only big complaint I have about the groceries is that I requested two crown of broccoli.

    And they gave me six.

    Seriously, what the fuck am I supposed to do with six crowns of broccoli?! Especially with Mr. Bee out of town with work (normally I could just cook up all six crowns and he'd just sit and munch like a friggin' bunny on those suckers).

    I suppose I could (gasp) eat them...

    Nah, I'll think of some other use for them.

    Song title: Lazy Days by 10cc


    Betts said...

    I so want grocery delivery... not offered here in the sticks.

    How about broccoli quiche or soup?

    ATenorio said...

    $12??!?! The Safeway here is $4.95 and they do the same thing with quantity mix up. And once they forgot my diapers (well, not MY diapers)... the one thing I really needed. So I started using Raleys "e-cart"... you place your order and drive up to the back of their store and they load it all in your trunk. You still have to get off your butt, but at least Baby is screaming in the semi-privacy of my car. And Raleys hasnt screwed up my order yet.

    As for the broccoli... how about making some broccoli pomanders?