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    The Old Stuff

    Dancing Queen

    "You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen 20 months..."
    Out of the 100-ish weddings I've been to in my life, I think I've only been to maybe 4 that I wasn't in some capacity working. It's actually a good thing because, since starting my wedding business about 5 years ago, attending a wedding as a guest is pretty painful.

    Like, you know when you are planning your wedding and some one says, "Hey, don't worry about it! NO ONE will notice..." Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble, but I will notice. And pick it apart. In my head, anyway (and to Mr. Bee later in the evening).

    So when we got to go to a wedding this last weekend, I was pretty stoked to see what the bride will be wearing, who the vendors are, etc.

    This wedding was even better because it happened to be one of those weird Small World Coincidences that kind of creep me out. The Groom was Mr. Bee's cousin, but the Bride was a chick that I went to junior high and high school with. The Bride and I were friends when we were like 13 but since then, not so much. So I never thought that I'd (1) ever be invited to her wedding and/or (2) be related to her (albeit, by marriage).

    Anywho, the wedding itself was pretty uneventful. My favorite part, though, was the beginning of the ceremony. Their officiant was also the emcee and dj for the night. Oh yeah, he was "that guy".

    His ceremony opener was to talk about what love and marriage meant to the Bride and Groom. (and I quote paraphrase)

    "The Groom thinks that love is doing something for the other person even when it might not be the right thing for yourself."

    Really, though? Like...getting married? Aaaaaaaaawkward.

    It also didn't help much that the Groom's mother was something more appropriate for a funeral than a wedding. (another aaaawkward...)

    Anywho, the rest of the night was pretty uneventful except for one little thing:
    How cute, right?
    No offense to the Bride (okay, maybe a little offense since you *did* completely frickin' ignore me when I tried to be all nice to you during the receiving line), but Baby Bee stole the show! She was totally in the zone that night and had just about every woman in the building sighing in adoration.

    Here she is cutting up a rug with Mr. Bee and I:
    Dancing Queen(Sorry for how blurry the photo is!) I had no idea she was so obsessed with dancing, but any time I got exhausted needed a break, she would freak out and start yelling "Dan! Dan! Dan!" (Translation: Dance! Dance! Dance!) while pointing to the dance floor.

    We ended up leaving the party at 10 p.m., but I think our little party girl had many hours of dancing left in her. I can't wait to see what fly moves she has for weddings we'll be attending this coming summer!

    Song title: Dancing Queen by ABBA


    ATenorio said...

    Baby Bee is so cute! I wish you had some video of her dancing at the wedding!

    Hey, is her name Linda?

    Mama Bee said...

    Pearl, not even close! (I still have NO idea where any one, any where, ever, could think that my/Bee's/Mr. Bee's (?) name could be Linda!)

    Betts said...

    That's so cool that you're a wedding planner. It's a profession that I've considered... that is if I decided I wanted another profession.

    I want more scathing review of the wedding. You must have more juicy tidbits for us.