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    The Old Stuff

    These Boots Are Made for Walkin'

    Are you ready, boots? Start walkin'
    I can't believe it's taken me a whole week to get a post up about this but...


    Baby Bee took her first steps!! FINALLY!!

    Last weekend we went to the Seattle Children's Museum with some friends and while Bee was distracted with some random toy, she took a couple steps towards me without even realizing it.

    Then, on Thursday, I was picking Bee up from Nana's after a wedding rehearsal and Nana had something to show me. She intended on showing me how Bee could stand by herself for a few seconds, but instead Bee decided to take like five steps!! Needless to say, we were all floored by this new development!

    I think it will still take some time to convince Le Bebe that walking is a far superior mode of transportation than crawling. She refuses to walk at times with a belligerent "But you were so excited when I finally started crawling; isn't that good enough for you, Mom?" look on her face.

    Song title: These Boots Are Made for Walkin' by Nancy Sinatra


    the mama bird diaries said...

    Oh how exciting. Congrats on the first steps!

    ATenorio said...

    Yay, what a thrill! I am looking forward to some first steps around here even though all the Negative Nancy's are always spouting off all their meow-meow comments about how crappy life is going to be when Baby starts walking. Wankers!

    Anyway, congrats and enjoy!!!

    Marla said...

    just in time to help you move :)

    Melisa S. said...

    That' so exciting! Now quick, get it on video so we can all see!!

    Sara said...

    Welcome to the club Baby Bee!.....I'm so independent now and want to do everything by myself-I think I'm a big girl!!!! You will love wandering around the house and getting into things, I promise:)

    BPOTW said...

    Yay!! Congrats on the next step to toddlerhood ;)

    Anonymous said...

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