My Most Recent Web Obsessions
I'm sure many of you already know about my recent TV crush on Neil Patrick Harris (AKA: NPH). Seriously, could he be any more charming? If he was, I'm pretty sure one of my ovaries would explode.
Any who, thanks to THE BEST RADIO PROGRAM THAT EVER LIVED for informing me of NPH's newest endeavor, Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog. Dr. Horrible is a Joss Whedon creation (Whedon wrote Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly...and is fucking hysterically brilliant). As you could guess, Dr. Horrible is a comedy and...wait for it...a musical. Any Buffy fans will remember the musical episode of Buffy and start frantically searching YouTube. Well, don't bother because all that I could find was a bunch of tore up crappy videos instead of the actual cool episode to post here on the blog. Meow.
But I digress. You can find Dr. Horrible on iTunes and it's super fantastically rad. It's the story of Billy (aka: Dr. Horrible) on his quest to become part of the Evil League of Evil and win the girl of his dreams. Needless to say, wacky antics ensue! Check it out!
"...and I'm wearing a hat because my hair looks stupid. Not 'cause it's cold."
My other most recent Internet addiction is a girl named Julia Nunes. Again, found her via THE COOLEST RADIO SHOW EVER. She sings and plays covers (and originals) on her ukulele and creates these awesome videos. She harmonizes with herself by listening to her recordings on ear phones and then edits it all together! Check her out on YouTube, she's hysterically funny and even more ridiculously talented. Don't believe me? Check these babies out:
This, I believe, is the video which launched her into YouTube Super Stardom!
My personal fav:
Song title: The Web by Fish
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
Did you know that some refer to NPH, the Doog, as the original blogger? I just read about that somewhere last night...when I was researching blog whoring techniques. Just another reason to love NPH!!
I totally want to be her friend! Please??????
Dr. Horrible is AWESOME!!
And Doogie...*sigh* it's hard not to have a crush on him. He is made of...wait for it...awesome. HA!
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