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    The Old Stuff

    Poll Smoking with Mama Bee

    Finish This Sentence...
    "I am so addicted to (blank) that I (blank)."


    Mama Bee said...

    I'll start.

    I'm so addicted to blogging that I posted that last entry between feeds bites of lunch to Baby Bee.

    Mama Bee said...

    Ok, no one wants to share? I'll do another.

    I'm so addicted to television that I have one on probably 6 or 7 hours a day (at the very least). I don't actually sit down and watch tv that much; it's just on in the background in most cases!

    Mrs. J said...

    Man I really don't have an addictive personality! It took me forever to think of one although I bet Mr. J would think of some (true or not, lol) in no time. Here you go:

    I'm so addicted to marshmallow sundae topping that I once bought a large amount from a fave ice cream place in NY and flew home with it.


    Thankfully back then we were allowed to travel with at least 64 oz. of liquids...

    Mrs. J said...

    I'm so addicted to food that I...can't believe I'm not 400 lbs. Really.

    No seriously...

    You've seen me down the cheese.