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    The Old Stuff

    Fill My Cup

    Baby Bee Sippy Cup Followup
    I've pretty much decided that Baby Bee does everything on her own schedule. We tried like mad to transition her from the bottle to a sippy cup for a few weeks but when it came time to put our house on the market, life was just too hectic. I decided that there would be a moratorium on sippy enforcement until we were less stressed and had the time and sanity to deal with hours of screaming.

    Once the craziness subsided, a few weeks ago I decided it was once again time to force the transition. With ear plugs in hand and practicing my patience-inducing slow-breathing, I carefully placed a sippy cup full of milk in front of Baby Bee one morning...

    ...and she drank it.

    No screams. No refusal. Just a "Okay, woman. You won this battle." look and she was officially transitioned to the sippy.

    Next battle: Kickin' the pacifier habit during naps...

    Song Title: Fill My Cup by Cece Winans