I Love to Twit

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    The Old Stuff

    Big Ole Butt

    Yesterday's calorie intake: 1537 (with a 1580 calorie goal)
    Today was a bit easier but I'm still craving two 300+ (each) hot dogs. Constantly. Like, I'd give my right ovary for some right now. But nooooooooo. I had to decide to lose weight. I'm such a dumbass. PS: I'm hungry. All the time. I think it's just because I went from totally not caring about what I ate or how much to watching every bite. It pretty much sucks monkey balls.

    Yesterday's exercise: none
    Yep. No exercise yet. I plan on hitting the treadmill today (and probably enjoying a hot dog or two).

    Today's weight: 146-147ish
    I really need to buy a digital scale...