I Love to Twit

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    The Old Stuff

    People Watching

    The Nordstrom Café downtown is the best place to people watch. College-aged girls with brand new Kate Spade shopping bags (lucky), little girls with their own mini Nordys shopping bags (seriously?), and I swear I saw those two snotty moms from <em>The New Adventures of Old Christine.</em>

    I never really feel like I fit in at places like this. Like any minute, Stacy London will jump out from behind a pillar and declare that I, in fact, am an imposter! Hushed whispers will fill the air (<em>"Oh my God! Those jeans are from 3 seasons ago and not even *designer*!! No fancy pocket embroidery? Gasp!" </em>) as the shoppers decide whether to simply make a mockery of me or stone me to death with their Salon designer shoes.