I Love to Twit

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    The Old Stuff

    "She did *what*?!"

    I don't know what's up with me but I have been so drawn to gossip lately! I know it's horrible and I shouldn't perpetuate people talking about others (especially behind their back), but I just can't stay away! I feel guilty, temporarily - mind you, but keep on coming back for more.

    What is it about drama that I am so drawn to? Is it the delicious scandal or just bit of action in my oh-so-boring day to day life?

    Speaking of drama, a gaggle of crows just decided to WWF on the roof of my living room!


    Anonymous said...

    "I know it's horrible and I shouldn't perpetuate people taking about others"


    Love you!
    J Bee

    Mama Bee said...

    Poop and Judgment.